Collection: Dracula

Dracula is a very special type of orchid, with its special and mystical flowers it fascinated its discoverers even back then. Dracula chimaera, named after a Greek mythical creature, or Dracula vampira with its large, almost black flowers, to name just two of the most beautiful, have a special charisma. Dracula means something like little dragon, but is also known under the name "Monkey Orchid". Do you know why?

In nature, Dracula mainly grows in the cloud forests of the Andes in Central and South America. They like a shady spot and never want to be in direct sunlight (no surprise, given the name Dracula, right?) or dry out. Like many orchids, they grow as epiphytes and bloom once or twice a year. Our Dracula come in a special hanging pot that allows plenty of air to reach the roots but is also easy to keep moist. So you can't go wrong with these mystical beauties at home!

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